Our Story
Our OSHC services started in December 2018, we are excited be able to extend our services beyond childcare. We are located at the Humpty Doo Primary School right next to our child care centre and we operate under the same Parent Management Committee. This service is leased from the Primary school and is also not for profit. We are licenced for 71 children per day, we have experienced educators providing a relaxing environment for children outside of school hours.
Our Services
We provide the following:
Before School Care (BSC) from 6:30am-8:30am
After School Care (ASC) from 2:50pm-6pm
We offer half day preschool pick up from 12:20pm-6pm ASC
Vacation Care during school holidays from 6:30am-6pm
We also offer care on pupil free days.
We are closed public holidays and for 2 weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.
Our Program
We follow the My Time, Our Place framework which aims to extend and enrich children’s wellbeing and development in school age settings. Children’s learning is not limited to any particular time or place. Before school care is a time for children to have breakfast and to do quiet activities before the school day starts. Our afterschool care service allows for more physical activities as we have large open spaces including the basketball courts, oval and hills and the sandpit area. We also take the children to the village green to allow them to get out in the community, we also invite performers and fitness trainers to the service to get children active and entertained during their time at OSHC.
Vacation care has lots of activities including weekly excursions and visitors to the service, we go to the places like the movies, flip out, op shops, park, Wildlife Park and more. Vacation care fills up quickly, bookings are essential.
Enrolment and fees
We have set fees for BSC, ASC and vacation care, fees are available upon request.
Fees include:
- Breakfast
- Afternoon tea